greek nights in Olympion Village Hotel
Greek culture

The feeling of "kefi"

greek nights in Olympion Village Hotel

Live the experience of greek "kefi"

Experience a unique Greek Night event at our restaurant usually every Wednesday night. This is an opportunity to experience something different during your holidays and get a taste of the Greek culture.

Our exceptional buffet offers a selection of delectable and refined Greek food options allowing guests to get a glimpse of how the authentic Greek cuisine feels like. Guests also have the opportunity to choose through a wide range of Greek Wines and some locally produced ones to accompany their meal. During the meal, a troupe of expert dancers will entertain you with an ensemble of traditional greek and oriental dances.

The night usually ends with one of the most popular greek traditions, the well known "Plate Smashing". Greeks usually use to smash plates to express their feeling of Kefi - the spirit of joy, passion, enthusiasm, high spirits, overpowering emotion, or frenzy.